Papers in Books


·        T. Brandão, M.P. Queluz and A. Rodrigues, “On the use of Error Correction Codes in Spread Spectrum Based Image Watermarking“, Advances in Multimedia Information Processing, H--Y. Shum, M. Liao and S.-F. Chang (Eds.),  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2195, Springer, 2001 (also presented in  IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia – Special Session on Watermarking Beijing, October 2001)


·        P. Lamy, J. Martinho, T. Rosa and M.P. Queluz, “Content-based Watermarking for Image Authentication”, Information Hiding, Andreas Pfitzmann (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1768, Springer, 2000 (also presented in Third International Information Hiding Workshop, Dresden, September 1999)  

Papers in Journals


·       M.P. Queluz, “Spatial Watermark for Image Content Authentication”,  Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol.11, no.2, pp. 275-285, April 2002

·       T. Brandão, M.P. Queluz and A. Rodrigues, “Diversity Enhancement of Coded Spread-Spectrum Video Watermarking”, Wireless Personal Communications - Special Issue on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, vol.23, no. 1, pp. 93-104, October 2002  


·       M.P. Queluz, “Authentication of Digital Images and Video: Generic Models and a New Contribution”, Signal Processing: Image  Communication, vol.16, pp. 461-475, January 2001  


·        X. Marichal, B. Macq and M.P. Queluz, "Generic Coder for Binary Sources: the M-coder", Electronic Letters, vol.31, no. 7, March 1995

·        B. Macq, M.P. Queluz and  B. Simon, "Very Low Bit-Rate Image Coding on Adaptive Multigrids", Signal Processing: Image Communication - Special Issue on Very Low Bit-rate Image Coding, vol. 7, nos. 4-6, pp. 313-331, November 1995

·        M.P. Queluz , "Motion Estimation for Video Coding: A Review", HF Magazine - Special Issue on Video Coding, no. 4, pp. 5-28, December 1995


·        L. Vandendorpe, L. Cuvelier, B. Maison, M.P. Queluz and  P. Delogne, "Motion-Compensated Conversion from Interlaced to Progressive Formats", Signal Processing: Image Communication - Special Issue on Standards Conversion, Vol.6,  pp. 193-211,  1994


Papers in International Conferences


·   J. Barata, D. Romão, M.P. Queluz and A. Rodrigues, “Optimum signal combining extraction of DWT-based watermarks”, WIAMIS 2004, April 21-23, 2004, Lisbon, Portugal


·   P. Vieira, M.P. Queluz and A. Rodrigues, “Capacity of MIMO systems in 3G micro- and  picocells”, 6th International Symposium on Wireless Personnal Multimedia Communications (WPMC´03), Yokosuka, Japan, 19-22 October, 2003


·       M.P. Queluz, T. Brandão, A. Rodrigues, “Signal Combining Techniques for Video Watermarking Extraction”,  IEEE Signal Processing Society - Fifth Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, St. Thomas, USA, December 2002


·        T. Brandão, M.P. Queluz and A. Rodrigues, “Performance Improvement of Spatial Watermarking Through Efficient Non-binary Channel Coding”, IS&T/SPIE - Electronic Imaging’ 01 - Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents III”, San Jose, USA, January 2001

·        J. Rocha and M.P. Queluz, “Integration of Census Data, Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Land Use/Cover Classification”,  8th International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Toulouse, France, September 2001

·        M.P. Queluz, T. Brandão and A. Rodrigues, “Diversity enhancement of coded spread spectrum video watermarking“,  4th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'01), Aalborg, Denmark, September 2001, pp. 417-422

·        T. Brandão, M.P. Queluz and A. Rodrigues, “On the use of Error Correction Codes in Spread Spectrum Based Image Watermarking“,  IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia – Special Session on Watermarking, Beijing, China, October 2001


·        M.P. Queluz and P. Lamy, “Spatial Watermark for Image Verification”, IS&T/SPIE - Electronic Imaging’ 00 - Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents II”, San Jose, USA, January 2000  


·        M.P. Queluz, “Content-Based Integrity Protection of Digital Images”, IS&T/SPIE - Electronic Imaging’ 99 - Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents”, San Jose, USA, January 1999

·        P. Lamy, J. Martinho, T. Rosa and M.P. Queluz, “Content-based Watermarking for Image Authentication”, Third International Information Hiding Workshop, Dresden, September 1999  


·        M.P. Queluz, “Towards Robust, Content-Based Techniques for Image Authentication”, IEEE Signal Processing Society - Second Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Los Angeles, USA, December 1998  


·        M. P. Queluz and B. Macq, "A Split-and-Merge Motion Estimation/Compensation Technique for Very-Low Bitrate Image Coding", International Workshop on Coding Techniques for VLBR, Essex, England, 1994

·        L. Vandendorpe, L. Cuvelier, B. Maison, P. Queluz and P. Delogne, "Motion-Compensated Conversion from Interlaced to Progressive Formats", EUSIPCO'94, Edimburgh, Scotland, 1994

·        M.P. Queluz, X. Marichal and B. Macq, "Efficient Entropy Coding of Tree Data Structures", PCS’94, Sacramento, USA, 1994

·        B. Macq, X. Marichal and  M.P. Queluz, "Entropy Coding of Tree Decompositions", 15o Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1994

·        O. Bruyndonckx, E. Hanssens, B. Macq, X. Marichal, M.P. Queluz and B. Simon, "Coding on multigrids image sequences", WIASIC' 94, Berlin, Germany, 1994  


·        B. Macq, S. Comes, J.Y. Mertes, M.P. Queluz and B. Van Caillie, "Signal-adapted Wavelet Coding of Moving Pictures", PCS’93, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1993

·        M.P. Queluz and H. Shi, "Image Sequence Coding Using Wavelet Transform and Finite-State Vector Quantization", IEEE Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Houthalen, Belgium, 1993

·        B. Macq, M.P. Queluz and H. Shi, "Perceptual Vector Quantization in the Transform Domain", IEEE Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Houthalen, Belgium, 1993

·        B. Macq, S. Comes, J.Y. Mertès and M.P. Queluz, "Signal-Adapted Transform Coding of Sequences", VCIP’93, Boston, EUA, 1993

·        M.P. Queluz, B. Simon and B. Macq, "Towards a Spatio-Temporal Segmentation Technique for Very-Low Bitrate Video Coding", COST 211-ter Workshop, Hannover, Germany, 1993  


·        M.P. Queluz, "A 3-Dimensional Subband Scheme for HDTV Signals Coding", IEEE Worshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Houthalen, Belgium, 1992

·        M. P. Queluz and B. Macq, "An Improved Block-Matching, Region Oriented Motion Compensation Technique", 130. Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1992

·        M.P. Queluz, "A 3-Dimensional Subband Coding Scheme with Motion-Adaptive Subband Selection", EUSIPCO'92, Bruxels, Belgium, 1992

·        M.P. Queluz and B. Macq, "Signal-adapted Motion Compensation for Video Compression", ISSSE'92, Paris, France,1992


·        A. Rodrigues, M.P. Queluz and J. Rocha, "Optimization of High Impedance Optical Receivers", Melecon'91, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1991

·        V. França, C. Mendes, M.P. Queluz and  C. Salema, "A Station for Capture, Processing and Storing of Documents", Melecon'91, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1991  


·        M.P. Queluz and C. Salema, "Compression Factor and Error Sensitivity of the Modified READ Method", 1990 Bilkent International Conference on New Trends in Communication, Control and Signal Processing, Ankara, Turkey, 1990

·        M.P. Queluz and C. Salema, "Aspects and Implementation of Group 4 - Class 1 Facsimile Protocols", 1990 Bilkent International Conference on New Trends in Communication, Control and Signal Processing, Ankara, Turkey, 1990


Papers in Portuguese Conferences 


·    A. Freitas; M. P. Queluz e A. Rodrigues, “Avaliação da qualidade dos serviços de localização com recurso a sistemas de informação geográfica”, ESIG 2004, 2-4 Junho, Oeiras, Portugal  

·  L. Natário, R. Carrapiço, H. Cunha, M.P. Queluz, e A. Rodrigues, “Gestão de espectro rádio em feixes hertzianos com recurso a sistemas de informação geográfica”, ESIG 2004, 2-4 Junho, Oeiras, Portugal


·        T. Brandão, M.P. Queluz and A. Rodrigues, “Improving Spread Spectrum Based Image Watermarking Through Non-binary Channel Coding“, 3a. Conferência de Telecomunicações, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, April 2001

·        J. Rocha, M.P. Queluz and J.A. Tenedório, “Integração de Dados Estatísticos na Classificação de Imagens de Satélite (IDECIS)”, VI Encontro de Utilizadores de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, Lisboa, Portugal, November 2001