Senior Researchers

Fernando Pereira
Full Professor, IST
Paula Queluz
Assistant Professor, IST
Paulo Lobato Correia
Associate Professor, IST
Luís Ducla Soares
Associate Professor, ISCTE-IUL
Paulo Nunes
Associate Professor, ISCTE-IUL
João Ascenso
Assistant Professor, IST
Catarina Brites
Post-Doc Researcher, IST
Henrique Oliveira
Coordinator Professor, IPBeja
Caroline Conti
Assistant Professor, ISCTE-IULPost-Doc Researchers

Naima Bousnina
Post-Doc Researcher, ISTProject XAIFace - "Explainable deep learning-based face recognition", supervised by F. Pereira

André Guarda
Post-Doc Researcher, ISTFCT Project "Deep learning-based Point Cloud Representation", supervised by F. Pereira
PhD Students

Maryam Hamad
PhD Student, ISCTE-IULThesis on "Light Field Processing for Immersive Systems", ISCTE-IUL, supervised by L. Ducla Soares and P. Nunes

Falah Jabar Rahim
PhD Student, ISTThesis on "Quality of Experience (QoE) for Omnidirectional image and video", supervised by P. Queluz and J. Ascenso

Muhammad Zubair
PhD Student, ISCTE-IULThesis on “Light Field Coding and Transmission using Deep Learning”, ISCTE-IUL, supervised by P. Nunes and C. Conti
Master Students

Paulo Rodrigues
MSc Student, ISTThesis on "Touchless Control of Augmented Reality Device", IST, supervised by P.L. Correia and Ana Luísa Nobre Fred

Ronielson Lima
MSc Student, ISCTE-IULThesis on "Light Field Segmentation using Deep Learning", supervised by C. Conti and P. Nunes

Marta Coelho
MSc Student, ISCTE-IULThesis on "Light Field Inpainting", Iscte, supervised by C. Conti and L. Ducla Soares

Tomás Rosário
MSc Student, ISTThesis on "Sistema automático de avaliação da qualidade de pescado" supervised by P. L. Correia, O. Pacheco and R. Rocha

João Isidoro
MSc Student, ISTThesis on "Morphing Attacks to Face Recognition Systems" supervised by P. L. Correia

Inês Ramalho
MSc Student, ISTThesis on "Learning-based Point Cloud Geometry Coding: Training Strategies", IST, supervised by F. Pereira and A. Guarda

Luís Todo Bom
MSc Student, ISTThesis on ""New Architectures for Learning-based Point Cloud Geometry Coding", IST, supervised by F. Pereira and A. Guarda

Luís Coelho
MSc Student, ISTThesis on "Learning-based Point Cloud Geometry and Color Coding", IST, supervised by F. Pereira and A. Guarda

Manuel Ruivo
MSc Student, ISTThesis on "Learning-based, Dynamic Block Size Point Cloud Geometry Coding", IST, supervised by F. Pereira and A. Guarda
Former Members

Tomás Brandão
Former Senior Researcher
Antoine Dricot
Former Post-Doc ResearcherSupervised by J. Ascenso, C. Brites and F. Pereira

Matteo Naccari
Former Post-Doc Researcher(2009 - 2011)

Phooi Yee Lau
Former Post-Doc Researcher(2006 - 2008)

André Guarda
Former PhD student, ISTPhD Thesis in 2021, IST, "Deep learning-based point cloud coding", supervised by F. Pereira (IST) e N. Rodrigues (IPL)

Alireza Javaheri
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2021, IST, "Point Cloud Compression", supervised by J. Ascenso, F. Pereira and C. Brites

Ricardo Monteiro
Former PhD Student, ISCTE-IULPhD in 2020, ISCTE-IUL, "Scalable 3D Holoscopic Video Representation and Coding for Immersive Systems", superv. by P. Nunes and N. Rodrigues

Tanmay Verlekar
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2019, IST, "Biometrics Recognition using Gait and Soft-biometrics", supervised by P.L. Correia and L.D. Soares

Paulo Ferreira
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2019, IST, supervised by P. Girão, D. Costa and P.L. Correia

Alireza Seppas-Moghaddam
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2019, IST, "Light-field imaging based biometric recognition", supervised by P.L. Correia and F. Pereira

Caroline Conti
Former PhD Student, ISCTE-IULPhD in 2017, ISCTE-IUL, "Efficient Solutions for Light Field Coding", supervised by L.D. Soares and P. Nunes

Hoang Van Xiem
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2015, IST, "Combining predictive and distributed video coding", supervised by F. Pereira and J. Ascenso

Ana De Abreu
Former PhD Student, IST+EPFLDual PhD in 2015, EPFL and IST, "Optimized coding strategies for interactive multiview video", supervised by P. Frossard and F. Pereira'

Henrique Oliveira
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2013, IST, "Crack Detection and Characterization in Flexible Road Pavements using Digital Image Processing", sup. by P.L. Correia

Catarina Brites
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2011, IST, "Exploiting Correlation Noise Modeling in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding", supervised by F. Pereira

Tomás Brandão
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2011, IST, "No-reference Image and Video Quality Assessment", supervised by M.P. Queluz

João Ascenso
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2010, IST, "Improving Compression Efficiency in Distributed Video Coding Systems", supervised by F. Pereira

Paulo Nunes
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2007, IST, "Rate Control for Object-based Video Coding", supervised by F. Pereira

Luís Ducla Soares
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2004, IST, Thesis on "Error Resilience for Object-based Video Coding", supervised by F. Pereira

Paulo Correia
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 2002, IST, "Video Analysis for Object-based Coding and Description", supervised by F. Pereira

Carlos Pires
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 1996, IST, "Co-Dec MPEG2 Vídeo: da Análise Funcional à Realização de um Protótipo", supervised by C. Salema

Manuel de Sequeira
Former PhD Student, ISTPhD in 1999, IST, "Analysis and Coding of Visual Objects: New Concepts and New Tools", supervised by C. Salema and A. Albuquerque

Joaquim Espada
Former Researcher
Agostinho Silva
Former Researcher
Lourenço da Silva
Former Researcher
Berner Panti
Former Researcher
Lúcia Carreira
Former Researcher
André Dias
Former Researcher
Tanmay Verlekar
Former Researcher
Pedro Monteiro
Former Researcher(2012)

Carla Guerra
Former Researcher(Jan. 2013 - July 2013)

Nuno Moço
Former Researcher(May 2012 - July 2013)

Babak Rezaei
Former Researcher(July 2012 - June 2013)

Sanchit Singh
Former Researcher(September 2011 - October 2012)

João Lino
Former Researcher
Maurício Ramalho
Former Researcher(July 2010 - February 2012)

Athira Nambiar
Former Researcher(October 2011 - February 2012)

Sandro Noto
Former Researcher(February 2010 - August 2011)

Tiago dos Santos
Former Researcher(August 2009 - June 2010)

Ricardo Martins
Former Researcher(November 2007 - October 2008)

Sören Sofke
Former Researcher(December 2007-May 2008) University of Rostok, Germany

José Quintas Pedro
Former Researcher(September 2006 - August 2007)

Luís Natário
Former Researcher(July 2004 - October 2005)

José Diogo Areia
Former Researcher(January 2006 - December 2007)

Sara Ponte
Former MSc Student, FCULMSc Thesis 2022, "Increased Fall Risk Evaluation in the Elderly A Video-based Approach for Gait Analysis", sup. by L.D. Soares and N. Matela

Helena Oliveira
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2021, IST, "Deep Learning-based Video Coding", supervised by F. Pereira and J. Ascenso

Guilherme Atanásio
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2021, "DeepFakes: Boosting Privacy and Aesthetics through Face Obfuscation", IST, supervised by P.L. Correia and F.Pereira

João Tareco
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2021, "Perceptual Hash. for Cryptographic Key Generation using Phys. Unclonable Functions", sup. by P.L. Correia and P. André

Daniel Baptista
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2021, IST, "Multi-adversarial Domain Generalization to Improve Face Recognition Reliability", IST, supervised by P.L. Correia

Diogo Inácio
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2021, "Técnicas de Aprendizagem aplicadas à Deteção de Defeitos em Pavimentos Rodoviários", sup. by P.L. Correia and R. Rôlo

António de Carvalho
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2021, IST, "How Augmented Reality will Help Surgeons and Patients", supervised by P.L. Correia and A. L. N. Fred

Pedro de Albuquerque
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2021, IST, "Can the way you walk reflect your health?", supervised by P.L. Correia

Diogo Lopes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2020, “Lossy Image Compression with Deep Neural Networks”, supervised by F.Pereira e J.Ascenso

Afonso Costa
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2019, IST, on "Projection-based Dynamic Point Cloud Geometry Coding", supervised by F. Pereira, J. Ascenso and C. Brites

Paulo Eusébio
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2019, IST, "“End-to-end image compression optimization with deep neural networks”, supervised by F. Pereira e J. Ascenso

Filipe Ferreira
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2019, IST, on "Machine learning based image coding", supervised by F. Pereira, J. Ascenso and C. Brites

João Loureiro
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2019, IST, "Computing Biomedical Indicators from Gait Videos", supervised by P.L. Correia

Sérgio Neves
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2019, IST, "Processamento de Imagem para Análise de Estruturas Industriais", supervised by P.L. Correia

Eduardo Félix
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2018, IST, "Sistema para Monitorização de Atletas durante o Treino", supervised by P.L. Correia and H. Silva

Daniel Bento de Sousa
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2018, IST, "Detection of Attacks to Face Recognition Systems", supervised by P.L. Correia

Francisco Salgado
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2018, IST, "Person Re-identification for Video Surveillance", supervised by P.L. Correia and K. Kouramas (UTRC)

Guilherme Moreira
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2018, IST, "Automatic Detection of TV Logos in Broadcast Video Content", supervised by P. Queluz and A. Rodrigues

Rafael Bento
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2018, IST, "Design of a Health Monitoring In-Bed System using Speckle Patterns", supervised by P.L. Correia and P. André

David Fernandes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2018, IST, "Image Processing for Detection of Road Pavement Degradation", supervised by P.L. Correia and H. Oliveira

Eurico Lopes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2018, IST, "Dynamic Point Cloud Attributes Compression", supervised by F. Pereira, J. Ascenso and C. Brites

Pedro Perdigão
MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2018, IST,"Ultra-narrow band satellite visual monitoring of high-sea fishing vessels", supervised by F. Pereira and J. Ascenso

Miguel Ferreira
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2017, IST, "Dynamic 3D Point Cloud Compression", supervised by F. Pereira, J. Ascenso and C. Brites

Paulo Rente
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2017, IST, "Graph-based Point Cloud Compression", supervised by F. Pereira, J. Ascenso and C. Brites

João Garrote
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2017, IST, "Light Fields Imaging Coding", supervised by F. Pereira, J. Ascenso and C. Brites

Luís Nunes
Former MSc Student, IST2017, "Objective Quality Assessment of 3D Synthesized ViewsObjective Quality Assessment of 3D Synthesized Views", F. Pereira, J. Ascenso

José Teixeira
MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2017, IST, “Extracting distinctive features from light-field images”, supervised by F. Pereira, J. Ascenso and C. Brites

Guilherme Luz
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2017, IST, “Omnidirectional video: adaptive coding based on saliency”, supervised by F. Pereira, J. Ascenso and C. Brites

Alexandre Gomes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2016, IST, “Automatic detection of commercial blocks in broadcast TV content”, supervised by F. Pereira

André Oliveira
Former MSc Student, ISTThesis in 2016, IST, “Light field based 360º panoramas”, supervised by F. Pereira, J. Ascenso and C. Brites

José Peixeiro
MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2016, IST, “Holographic information coding”, supervised by F. Pereira

Adélcio da Rosa
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2015, IST, “Estudo e Avaliação de Técnicas para Inpainting de Texto em Imagens e Vídeo”, superv, by M.P. Queluz and T. Brandão

Ricardo Almeida
Former MSc Student, ISTThesis in 2015, IST, “Deteção Automática de Descontinuidades Temporais em Sequências de Vídeo Digital”, super. by M.P. Queluz and T. Brandão

Nelson Rodrigues
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2015, IST, “Automatic Detection of Epileptogenic Video Content”, supervised by M.P. Queluz

Alexandre Gabriel
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2015, IST, “HEVC cross segment decoding: decoders should work more”, supervised by F. Pereira

Filipe Guapo
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2015, IST, "Calibration of Biometric Recognition Data for Forensic Evaluation", supervised by P.L. Correia

João Satiro
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2015, IST, "Clustering and Super-Resolution of Facial Images in a Forensic Scenario", supervised by P.L. Correia

Jorge do Carmo
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2015, IST, "Sistema de Aquisição e Análise de Sinais na Prática de Natação", supervised by P.L. Correia, A. Fred and H. Silva

Telma de Oliveira
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2015, IST, "Mobile Alert: Combining Human Motion Detection and Voice Analysis", supervised by P.L. Correia and I. Trancoso

Miguel de Almeida
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2015, IST, "Biometric Identification from Forensic Video Surveillance Evidence", supervised by P.L. Correia

Joao Lopes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2015, IST, "Biometric Recognition using Android Devices", supervised by P.L. Correia

Abel Ribeiro
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2014, IST, "Post-Processsing of Videos for Vehicle Counting", supervised by P.L. Correia

Vítor Gomes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2014, IST, “Statistical reconstruction for predictive video coding”, supervised by F. Pereira and J. Ascenso

Lúcia Carreira
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2013, IST, "On High Resolution Palmprint Matching", supervised by P.L Correia

João Neves
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2013, IST, "Hand Veins Recognition System", supervised by P.L Correia

Guilherme Neves
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2013, IST, "Android Gait Recognition System", supervised by P.L Correia

João Lino
Former MSc Student, ISTThesis, 2013, "2D Image Rendering for 3D Holoscopic Content using Disparity-Assisted Patch Blending", supervised by F. Pereira and P. Nunes

Vasco Nascimento
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2013, IST, “Bit-depth scalable video coding” supervised by F. Pereira and J. Ascenso

David Fernandes
Former MSc Student, ISCTE-IULMSc Thesis in 2013 ISCTE-IUL, "Fast Stereo Matching Using Local Methods and Mean Shift Segmentation", supervised by P. Nunes

Pedro Monteiro
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2012, IST, “Distributed video coding with geometric transforms”, supervised by F. Pereira and J. Ascenso

Márcio Gonçalves
Former MSc Student, ISCTE-IULMSc Thesis in 2012, ISCTE-IUL, " Ferramenta para Avaliação Subjetiva da Qualidade de Vídeo", supervised by T. Brandão

João Fernandes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2012, IST, "Automatic detection and counting of stork nests in electric power lines", supervised by M.P. Queluz and T. Brandão

Miguel Chin
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2012, IST, "Video Quality Evaluation in IP Networks", supervised by M.P. Queluz and T. Brandão

André Seixas
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2012, IST, “Perceptual error protection using distributed video coding principles”, supervised by F. Pereira and C. Brites

Helder dos Santos
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2012, IST, "Automatic Traffic Congestion Detection based on a Live Video Stream", supervised by P.L Correia

Afonso Salvador Marques
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2012, IST, "Automatic Road Pavement Crack Detection using SVM", supervised by P.L Correia

Sanchit Singh
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2012, IST, "Partial Palmprint Matching for Forensics Application", supervised by P.L Correia and L.D. Soares

Nuno Moço
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2012, IST, "Biometric Recognition based on a Smartphone", supervised by P.L Correia and L.D. Soares

Ângela Cunha
Former MSc Student, IscteMSc Thesis in 2011, ISCTE-IUL "Secure Face Recognition", supervised by L.D. Soares and P.L. Correia

Luís Serrano
Former MSc Student, IscteMSc Thesis in 2011, ISCTE-IUL "Hand-based Biometric Recognition System for Mobile Devices", supervised by L.D. Soares and P.L. Correia

Miguel Capelo
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2011, IST, "Advances on transforms for high efficiency video coding”, supervised by F. Pereira

Pedro Fernandes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2010, IST, "Audiovisual Coding Simulation Framework”, supervised by F. Pereira

Nuno Couto
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2010, IST, "Image Compression with Edge-based Inpainting”, supervised by F. Pereira

Berto Casquinha
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2010, IST, "H.264/AVC Video Coding: Analysis and Encoder Control”, supervised by F. Pereira

Gonçalo Carmo
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2010, IST, "Depth Coding for Multi-view plus Depth 3D Video”, supervised by F. Pereira

Ana Sofia Cabrita
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2010, IST, "H.264/AVC Perceptually Controlled Video Coding”, supervised by F. Pereira

Mauricio Ramalho
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2010, IST, "Secure Palmprint Verification System", supervised by P.L Correia

Rui Trindade
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2010, IST, "Multimedia Sharing over the Internet from a Mobile Phone", supervised by P.L Correia

Nádia Fortes
Former MSc Student, ISCTE-IULMSc Thesis in 2010, ISCTE-IUL, "Background Modelling for People Tracking in Video Surveillance Scenarios", supervised by P. Nunes

Bruno Rodrigues
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2009, IST, "Image quality assessment based on artefacts estimation”, supervised by M.P. Queluz and T. Brandão

Tiago dos Santos
Former MSc Student, ISCTE-IULMSc Thesis in 2009, ISCTE-IUL, "Secure Biometric Recognition System Using Distributed Source Coding", sup. by L.D. Soares and P.L. Correia

Miguel Contente
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2009, IST, "Low complexity video coding for sensor networks”, supervised by F. Pereira

Bruno Tomas
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2009, IST, "Tiling Slideshow: an Audiovisual Presentation Method for Consumer Photos”, supervised by F. Pereira

Ricardo Mah
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2009, IST, "Biometrics for Personal Recognition", supervised by P.L Correia

Gonçalo Lourenço
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2009, IST "Enhancing the Security of Biometrics with Distributed Source Coding", supervised by P.L Correia and L.D. Soares

João Gaspar
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2009, IST, "Objective Evaluation of Segmentation Quality", supervised by P.L Correia

Catarina Mota
Former MSc Student, IscteMSc Thesis in 2009, ISCTE-IUL "Creation and Visualization of High Dynamic Range Images”, supervised by L.D. Soares

Luis Roque
Former MSc StudentMSc Thesis in 2008, IST, "Quality evaluation of coded video”, supervised by M.P. Queluz and T. Brandão

Pedro Rosa
Former MSc Student, ISTThesis in 2008, IST, "Automatic Detection and Classification of Crack Patterns in Road Pavement", supervised by P.L Correia and H. Oliveira

Tiago Sanches
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2008, IST, "Hand Surface Biometrics for Personal Recognition", supervised by P.L Correia

Diogo Couto
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2008, IST, "Objective Evaluation of Image and Video Segmentation Quality", supervised by P.L Correia

David dos Santos
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2008, IST, "Vehicle Recognition System", supervised by P.L Correia

Carlos Paulo
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2007, IST, "Traffic Signs Detection and Recognition", supervised by P.L Correia

Nuno Matos
Former MSc StudentMSc Thesis in 2007, IST, "Generic Video Automatic Summarization”, supervised by F. Pereira

Catarina Brites
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2005, IST, "Advances on Distributed Video Coding”, supervised by F. Pereira

Pedro Fonseca
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2004, IST, "Face Detection and Object Tracking in the Compressed Domain”, supervised by F. Pereira

Duarte Palma
Former MSc Student, ISTThesis in 2004, IST, "Extracção Automática de Texto em Sequências de Vídeo”, supervised by F. Pereira

João Ascenso
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2003, IST, "Codificação Escalável de Vídeo com Elevada Granularidade”, supervised by F. Pereira

João Magalhães
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2002, IST, "Universal Access to Multimedia Content Based on the MPEG-7 Standard”, supervised by F. Pereira

Tomás Brandão
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2002, IST, "Assinatura Digital de Imagens Baseada em Espalhamento de Espectro”, supervised by M.P. Queluz

João Valentim
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2001, IST, "Modelo Alternativo de Complexidade Visual para a Norma MPEG-4 Visual”, supervised by F. Pereira

Carla Zibreira
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 2001, IST, "Descrição e Procura de Vídeo Baseadas na Forma”, supervised by F. Pereira

Gabriel Abrantes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 1998, IST, "Animação e Síntese de Faces Humanas usando Modelos Tridimensionais”, supervised by F. Pereira

Pedro Geada
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 1996, IST, "Codificação de Sequências Videotelefónicas Baseada em Modelos”, supervised by F. Pereira

Diogo Cortez
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 1995, IST "Classificação e Codificação de Contornos”, supervised by F. Pereira

Paulo Nunes
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 1995, IST, "Detecção de fronteiras em imagens texturadas”, supervised by F. Pereira

Paulo Simões
Former MSc Student, ISTMSc Thesis in 1993, IST, "“Sistema de televisão de alta definição HD-MAC: codificação e sensibilidade a erros”, supervised by F. Pereira